In this busy world, many people feel they have no time to respond to calls. If someone doesn't know the number calling them, they'll let it go to voicemail to avoid sales calls and calls from people they don't want to speak to. Many people don't even bother to listen to the voicemail. So how can we connect with the people? By sending a text! Yes, communicating through text message improves your chances of success, because most people open 99% of text messages. For this purpose, using company texting to reach out to clients and prospective clients is a good idea.
What is text message marketing?

SMS marketing is another way of effective marketing, sending offers, coupons, special deals, announcements, and current information to customers via SMS.
1. Prepare a list to send a text message:
Preparing a list is the initial step to start your text message marketing. How to start preparing a list? It is essential to get customers who are interested in receiving messages to their phone regarding the information that they need to know about the company and their product and services. To make the customers spend money to buy your product or acquire the services that they want, the company needs to provide them the offers, discount coupon, gift vouchers, credit points, etc. Due to heavy competition in today’s market, your company needs to stand apart in meeting the customer's expectations and opportunities are more.
The next step is to get in front of the customer. How? With three simple ways, it is easy to get close to the customers.
Website: You’ve worked hard to get potential customers to your site. Now reach the customers by giving them offers.
Emails: Through this, it is possible to announce the latest sales. And this should be done only to those customers who opt-in to receive your message.
Signage: You may have customers directly walk into your shop or customers who have already made a purchase with you by placing promotions in the front door.
2. Start to send your first text message:
Getting started, you'll learn how to compose text messages on the screen. Type the information that you want to send. Once done, make sure to reduce the size of the message, only then the customers get the interest to read the message. If the news is too long the customers' annoyance is high. Also, make sure it doesn't show an error before sending an SMS. Once all this is done click on continue and check if the provided information is correct. If yes, then click send a message. One strong impact of text messaging is that clients can answer you. These answers will be provided to your inbox when they do, and you can send back a message.
CRM for sales teams - Some CRM offer seamless SMS integration for your sales team, even offering the option to send messages in the app.
3. Write an effective message:
Below are the tips to write an effective message
- Make the message short and clear.
- Let your message be creative to attract the customer.
- Be clear with offers
- Let the customers know about your products and services
- Send to the target audience
- Use simple language so the reader can understand
- In an SMS text message, your system or carrier may restrict the use of certain unique characters. Check this before you send a message.
- To have customers immediate response add a few words possible words like "Valid only today”.
- Come up with appointment reminder, product launches, coupon offers, flat discount %.
Text messaging provides you with many possibilities to attract more customers. You will find out over time what styles and content work best for you. As we know, more than 90% of people using mobile phones have in hand text message. For this reason, marketing through text is the way for the future for fast and effective engagement of people.